Suspended Image Acrylic Plaques define what they're all about.
The faceplate is made of crystal clear acrylic. Our professional graphic artists
start out planning the design with the knowledge that there are three surfaces
to use. We design the front of the acrylic, the backside of the acrylic
and third of all, the surface of the wood plaque.
The wood finishes come in a light honey oak and in a rich dark cherry finish.
These are thin 1/4" light weight for economical mailing. If these are to be hand
delivered, you might want to consider using our thicker wood which comes
with a decorative curved edge. Solid woods are also available, please ask for a quote.
Coates Designers expert graphic artists typically design these acrylic plaques to be deeply embedding our gold stamp design into the backside of the clear acrylic.
We outline it in dark rich enamel colors. We also use translucent colors as well as
opaque colors when the application calls for such. On the front side of the acrylic
we typically put bold white or lighter color that is designed to create drop shadows
on the colors of the backside. This design element generates a unique depth of field.
Consider leaving clear areas so the wood grain shows through and you've got some
pretty dynamic looking images that can work to demand attention.
All of our plaques even the diamond shape stands as well as hang.